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Concierge suggestions June 24

As every month, find suggestions and advice from our concierges to enhance your stay at Le Narcisse Blanc.‍

Events in Paris this month

Vogue World Paris

Vogue will orchestrate a giant fashion show on Place Vendôme in the run-up to the Olympic Games.

Anna Wintour and her teams dreamed up Vogue World, a huge gathering of dozens of fashion houses and labels organized in the streets of New York, somewhere between a fair and a giant catwalk show. For the third time, the event will be parading in the heart of Paris, at Place Vendôme, on Sunday June 23.

Fête de la musique

In Paris, music resounds from every street corner: on this Friday evening, June 21, 2024, we'll be singing and dancing the night away! Electro concerts, classical music, children's songs, rock, pop, world music, reggae, blues, hip-hop... The options are endless. To help you make the most of this year's Fête de la musique, here's a list of concerts to see near you, in the arrondissements of the capital.

Some examples of concerts to be seen during the Fête de la Musique 2024 in Paris:

- Fête de la musique 2024 in Paris: The program of concerts along the quays of the Seine & canals.
- The Orchestre de Paris in free concert under the Louvre Pyramid.
- Fête de la musique 2024: folk dancing on the forecourt of Notre-Dame.
- Fête de la musique 2024 at the American Cathedral in Paris.

Exhibitions of the month

Fondation Louis Vuitton Matisse - 8 Av. du Mahatma Gandhi, 75116 Paris - Until September 9

Created in 1911, Henri Matisse's L'Atelier rouge is one of the works that has played a key role in the history of modern art. Acquired in 1949 by the Museum of Modern Art in New York, where it has since been exhibited, this canvas depicts the artist's studio in Issy-les-Moulineaux. It shows a space filled with paintings, furniture and decorative objects. Matisse's radical decision to cover most of the painting's surface with red has fascinated generations of researchers and artists, but there was still much to discover about the genesis and history of the work. This richly illustrated book accompanies the exhibition devoted to L'Atelier rouge, bringing together for the first time the paintings, sculptures and objects that have appeared in it since they left the artist's studio.

Barbizon Village: just 1h30 from Paris!

The Village des Peintres, on the edge of the Fontainebleau forest, has attracted Millet, Corot, Monet and Renoir, among others, to its bucolic alleys, thanks to its unspoilt beauty in all seasons.

A delightful little hamlet in the Seine-et-Marne region, it's populated by charming buildings, each with its own unique architecture and style. If you're passing through, don't miss a visit to the museum or a table at one of the authentic restaurants.

Restaurant of the month

Rosa Bonheur

The barge, located near the Alexandre III bridge and the Grand Palais, brings the banks of the Seine to life and modernizes them, while respecting the tradition of its prestigious surroundings.

Guinguettes where life is good, and where people, genres, homemade products, delicacies and the wind of freedom mingle. In honor of the painter and liberated woman Rosa Bonheur, and with the accents of the Midi, Mimi, Zouzou and the whole team welcome you with good humor to their four guinguettes with sustainable approaches and affordable products.

Port des Invalides, Quai d'Orsay, 75007 Paris

Unusual place

Roseraie promenade Pereire 17th arrondissement

The Promenade Pereire, which runs through part of Paris's 17th arrondissement, owes its name to the Pereire brothers. Both parliamentary bankers, Jacob Emile (1800-1875) and Isaac Pereire (1806-1880) founded Crédit Mobilier in 1852. They also financed the Ligne d'Auteuil, a former railroad line that was once part of the Petite Ceinture line. Today, the dreamlike Promenade Pereire has replaced the vanished Ligne d'Auteuil.

We plunge into a parallel world in the heart of the capital, among rose bushes, climbing plants and other flowering shrubs, in spring and summer.
